
Lillie Rd, London, SW6 1UE


Capital & Counties Properties


Andy Sturgeon

The first phase of Lillie Square, one of London’s newest premium residential developments has been completed. Lillie Square will eventually be made up of over 800 homes, with a quarter of these build in the first phase.

Marshalls supplied the four granite mix setts to the project utilising colour tones ranging from silver grey through to black.

The elliptical water feature was also designed and supplied in Prospero granite by Marshalls. Highlighting its versatility, the Prospero granite was supplied in various surface finishes to create different visual aesthetics from the flamed band around the circumference, a fine picked kerb, split setts and a polished central feature.

Prospero granite
Prospero granite
Prospero granite
Prospero granite
Prospero granite
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