
Marshalls has developed a range of Offsite Solutions catchpit and silt trap manholes. Designed to reduce construction times and costs, our catchpits and silt trap manhole solutions can be installed in hours, not days.

These reinforced watertight chambers are built under factory conditions, offering greater design flexibility with a range of cored or pre-formed inlet and out holes, complete with seals.

Our modular catchpits and silt traps are built to your specifications, which ensures dimensional accuracy and a high-quality finish, helping you save time and money.


A catchpit is an empty chamber installed in drainage systems to capture silt and debris carried by water. As water flows into the chamber through the inlet pipe, silt and debris settle at the bottom, while cleaner water flows out through the outlet.

Silt trap manholes

Similar to catchpits, these products trap sediment and debris before they enter the main drainage system. These manholes are deeper than standard equivalents and have multiple inlet and outlet connections.

Silt trap manholes differ from catchpits because they often include a removable filtration bucket, while catchpits have a built-in sump that periodically requires cleaning with a jet vac or suction pump.

What are the design options?

Marshalls’ catchpits have several design options, helping you ensure optimal suitability and performance. These include:

  • 1050mm to 1800mm standard tongue and groove complete with a cast-in base
  • 1200mm, 1500mm and 1800mm sealed manhole joint complete with cast-in base
  • Pipe inlet/outlet diameters covered by system 100mm to 900mm

What are the benefits of using Marshalls’ catchpits and silt traps?

Marshalls has been a trusted leader in the construction industry for decades, working with key organisations like Highways England and Network Rail.

Our water management solutions are proudly manufactured in the UK using responsibly sourced materials and environmentally friendly production processes.

By harnessing renewable energy and adhering to rigorous quality standards, we ensure our products not only meet the demands of modern infrastructure but also help you achieve your project’s sustainability goals. Other benefits to our catchpits and silt trap manholes include:

  • Reduced costs in construction time and on-site personnel
  • Sump depths to suit design requirements
  • Accommodates uPVC, twinwall, clay, ductile iron and concrete
  • Increased health and safety benefits as it reduces on-site construction
  • Reduces wet trades for manhole construction
  • Products are made and tested under factory conditions
  • Eliminates extra transport and material wastage used with on-site construction methods
  • Chamber bases are kitemarked
  • 1050mm unit weighs less than one tonne
  • Bespoke design to suit customer requirements
  • Standard tongue and groove joints
  • Greatly reduced installation time on site
  • None or minimal on-site fabrication required



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Certifications, Accreditations & Credentials

  • Accreditation Sustainability Icon Renewable Energy Logo
  • Accreditation Sustainability Icon Made in Britain Logo
  • Accreditation Sustainability Icon 100  Recyclable Logo
  • Accreditation Sustainability Icon Reduced Packaging Logo
  • Accreditation Sustainability Icon Reduced Cement Content 15 Logo
  • Accreditation Sustainability Icon Prevents Flooding Logo
  • Accreditation Marshalls certified ISO 9001 quality management systems FM 00004 Logo
  • Accreditation Marshalls certified ISO 14001 environmental management EMS 56194 Logo
Product Name Wall Thickness (mm) Outisde Diameter (mm) Base Slab Thickness (mm) Internal Depth (mm) Overall Depth (mm) Weight (tonne)
Catchpit 0900mm 70 1040 150 360 510 0.50
Catchpit 0900mm 70 1040 150 610 760 0.635
Catchpit 0900mm 70 1040 150 860 1010 0.765
Catchpit 1050mm 80 1210 150 363 513 0.675
Catchpit 1050mm 80 1210 150 613 763 0.855
Catchpit 1050mm 80 1210 150 863 1013 1.030
Catchpit 1200mm 90 1380 150 363 513 0.875
Catchpit 1200mm 90 1380 150 613 763 1.100
Catchpit 1200mm 90 1380 150 863 1013 1.330
Catchpit 1350mm 95 1540 150 366 516 1.070
Catchpit 1350mm 95 1540 150 616 766 1.340
Catchpit 1350mm 95 1540 150 866 1016 1.610
Catchpit 1500mm 105 1710 150 366 516 1.320
Catchpit 1500mm 105 1710 150 616 766 1.650
Catchpit 1500mm 105 1710 150 866 1016 1.985
Catchpit 1800mm 115 2030 175 344 519 1.970
Catchpit 1800mm 115 2030 175 594 769 2.405
Catchpit 1800mm 115 2030 175 844 1019 2.845
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