
Marshalls' factory-produced lime-sand is manufactured to comply with BS specifications. It can be used to provide a re-useable mortar for bricklayer training or with the addition of cement to produce a traditional mortar.

Hydrated lime has plasticising properties and gives mortar a light aerated feel.

Our lime-sand is available in a variety of ratios and colours. We provide a free colour-matching service to complement any aesthetic.

Lime-sand can be stored indefinitely and gives you complete control of your mortar strength and workability.

We offer lime-sand for delivery or collection, in loose-tipped loads or in bulk bags for ease of handling and storage.

  • Plasticised mortar sand
  • Variety of ratios and colours available
  • Colour-matching service at no additional cost
  • Delivery and collection options
  • Supplied loose-tipped or in bulk bags

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