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Natural Elements® 60° Module

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Product Details

Natural Elements® combines modular and standalone street furniture inspired by biophilic design that aims to introduce natural forms, patterns and materials into urban spaces.

The 60 degree module acts as a connector for the Natural Elements system. Allowing the creation of more acute angles within configurations, the 60 degree connector enables seating to become the feature of any urban realm project.Ideal for projects requiring a bespoke approach in order to navigate more complex spaces. Combine with other modular elements in the collection in any sequence.

  • Inspired by the forms, patterns, materials and colours that resemble nature
  • Modular element allows design flexibility and budget control
  • FSC® certified timber responsibly sourced from well managed forests (FSC® C133609)
  • Ability to go round corners at 60° angles
  • Option to illuminate front decorative panel with lighting
Certifications, Accreditations & Credentials
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