Marshalls plc | Governance
• We’ve supported the business in another record year of
performance, against a challenging macro-economic and geo-
Ukraine crisis challenging us to ensure the business continues
Group’s commitment to continuous improvement drives resilience
and demonstrates its commitment to embracing change.
• The acquisition of Marley represents a transformational step in the
delivery of our long-term strategy. At the outset, and throughout,
the Board challenged and supported the senior management
team’s assessment of the opportunity and the structural aspects
of the transaction. This included detailed due diligence and
advisory support from a team of experienced professional
advisers, culminating in overwhelming support for the deal from
Group, well-positioned to achieve its strategic goal of becoming the
UK’s leading manufacturer of products for the built environment.
• We welcomed Simon Bourne to the Board as Chief Operating
over a number of years, in driving so many of our growth pillars,
including operational and logistics excellence, sustainable supply
and new product innovation. Simon’s promotion is richly deserved
and has been supported by a comprehensive induction plan
arranged by our General Counsel and Company Secretary.
• We’ve managed the succession of Tim Pile, who retires at
this year’s AGM, with the appointment of Diana Houghton
to the Board as a Non-Executive Director. Tim is our most
experienced Board member and has, on two occasions,
agreed to extend his term to support the business through the
unprecedented challenges of the last three years. We thank Tim
for his contribution and commitment to the business. Diana’s
appointment further strengthens the Board by introducing new
skills, experience and diversity, particularly in the development
and execution of organisational strategy.
• Following the completion of the acquisition of Marley, we held a
Capital Markets Day, setting out our vision for the Group in the
short to medium term and, in particular, showcasing the Marley
business model and operations and the opportunity these
present to the Group.
team, particularly in light of Marley joining the Group. Against
challenging macro-economic and geo-political conditions,
we also considered the short to medium-term resilience of
the Group and the opportunities we have to maximise the
particularly on our purpose, to create better spaces and futures
for everyone: socially, environmentally and economically.
adopted during the pandemic, to combine in person and virtual
engagement with the business and stakeholders. Making the
Board accessible to all stakeholders is an important element of
meeting our obligations under Section 172 of the Companies Act.
• With the support of Lintstock, we completed an externally
objectives we set during our last internal evaluation. The Board’s
composition, stakeholder and strategic oversight and the
support the Board receives, were all rated extremely highly. The
Board is collegiate and supportive but provides robust challenge
to the senior management team on strategy, performance and
governance. (See page 79 for further details.)
• We’ve built on our ESG commitments, whilst ensuring we’re
complying with our reporting obligations against the TCFD
recommendations. We’ve listened to our stakeholders and
See page 81 for further details. The Board have focused on
ensuring our commitments drive competitive advantage and
brand loyalty. These will make our business sustainable in the
our progress and incorporated some of these in our incentive
schemes. (See page 102 for further details.)
• The Board and Audit Committee have considered the impact
of proposed changes to the UK Corporate Governance Code
and the measures being taken to ensure the Group is able
to demonstrate compliance with these ahead of their formal
adoption. (See page 91 for further details.)
• There has been Board representation at each of the Employee
as our designated Director for employee engagement. The EVG
has broad representation and continues to evolve, with new
representatives from across the business elected to a two-year
term earlier this year. (See page 55 for further details.)
• In response to tough trading conditions and a marked softening of
demand for Private Housing RMI in both the UK and International
markets and destocking in the distribution channel, we approved a
reduction in our manufacturing output to manage inventory levels.
These actions reduced capacity and costs within our manufacturing
network and trading function to ensure alignment with lower levels
of demand. This is expected to reduce operating costs by around
£10 million per annum from the start of 2023.
• Supporting the senior management team in navigating the
business through the key strategic issues and challenges we
face, particularly in the short to medium term, including those
driven by challenging macro-economic conditions. Ensuring
• Overseeing and measuring progress against the Group’s strategic
plan following the transformational acquisition of Marley, with an
will be critical to the long-term sustainability of the Group and will
include reviewing progress against the commitments made at our
annual strategy review in November 2022.
• Giving additional focus and time to understanding our stakeholders
and how we engage with them, particularly customers, suppliers
management, performance and long-term strategy. Maintaining our
customer focus is key to maintaining our strong brand preference,
which is a key differentiator for the Group.
• Building a deeper understanding of the Group’s culture and
to cultural integration with the Marley.
• Seeking opportunities to learn from the experience of other
sectors as regards our cultural, people, technology and
transformation journeys.
• Overseeing effective succession planning and talent retention,
that are critical to ensuring the long-term success of the
• Effectively overseeing our ESG programme, ensuring
this supports our commitment to operating the business
sustainably and drives commercial and competitive advantage.
• Carefully monitoring the implementation and impact of the
fundamental audit and corporate governance reforms proposed
by the Government, which will have implications for the
operation and expectations of the Board.
• To continue to ensure we do everything in The Marshalls Way:
“the right things, for the right reasons, in the right way”, and