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Concrete Pipes

Below Ground Drainage
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Product Details

Marshalls Civils & Drainage offer an extensive range of precast concrete pipes with flexible spigot and socket joints from 300mm to 1800mm to BS EN 1916:2002 Class 120, ovoid pipes and perforated pipes for use in both foul and surface water applications.

Concrete sewer pipes dating back to Roman times have been discovered in the United Kingdom and users of Marshalls Civils & Drainage precast concrete pipes have the security of a design life of 120 years that ensures lifetime costs are kept to a minimum.

All precast concrete pipes manufactured to class 4 (DC4) sulphate resistance in accordance with the recommendations of BRE Special Digest.

Download the EPD for our reinforced pipes here.

Download the EPD for our unreinforced pipes here.

With an inherent strength and durability, concrete is an environmentally friendly and cost effective material that provides the following benefits:

  • Increased cost savings
  • Fast and easy installation
  • Lower environmental impact

We have some useful video's for you to watch on installation, lifting and how to air test the pipe.

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