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Cover Slabs

Below Ground Drainage
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Product Details

Marshalls Civils & Drainage manufacture large circular precast cover slabs up to 3000mm that comply with BS EN 1917:2002 and BS 5911-3:2002, as well as 3660mm and 4000mm diameter which are not covered by the British Standard but comply with all the relevant provisions of the British Standard and Eurocodes.

To go with these Marshalls Civils & Drainage produce a variety of special access cover slabs that are manufactured to customers requirements.

These can either be in a one piece cover slab or a segmental depending on the diameter and whilst they are not covered by the British Standard our qualified engineers in the technical team are on hand to give advice with design and installation.

Typical examples of special cover slabs supplied are large Cover slabs up to 15 metre diameter, cover slabs that incorporate davits, rebates and surface boxes for pumping stations, rebates and surface, extra heavy duty slabs for ports and airports and ports, extra large accesses or multiple accesses or cove slabs that are with designed to comply with Highways Agency Specifications or customers own reinforcement design.

Benefits include:

  • Bespoke cover slab designs available made to customers specifications.
  • Quality assured precast concrete covers slabs incorporating davit sockets, rebates and surface boxes.
  • Offsite manufacturing for quick and easy installation special cover slabs with multiple access options.

Certifications, Accreditations & Credentials
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