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Traffic Drain

Linear Drainage Systems
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marshalls traffic drain
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Product Details

Marshalls Civils & Drainage Traffic Drain provides a comprehensive solution to your project's drainage needs, offering unique design elements, ease of installation and low maintenance costs.

Designed to complement the Mini Beany range, the Traffic Drain connects the flow between kerb and slot units and is fully compatible with Mini Beany junctions, outfalls and other ancillary units.

Providing medium-capacity drainage, Traffic Drain combines a robust concrete channel with high-strength cast iron grates, which allow it to take loading's up to F900. Its ability to withstand fast-moving vehicles and bear heavy loads makes it ideal for high volume highway applications.

Manufactured as a simple two-piece design, Traffic Drain is strong enough to withstand any damage during transit and installation.

  • Robust precast concrete
  • Requires little maintenance
  • Suitable for loadings up to F900
  • Compatible with the Mini Beany range
Drainage capacity
Certifications, Accreditations & Credentials
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