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At Marshalls we pride ourselves in taking the lead in encouraging good and fair practices in the natural stone industry. Our commitment to responsible buying dates back to 2006 when we improved our process to better identify, manage and address human rights risks in our Indian supply chain.

In 2009, we achieved a significant milestone by becoming the first heavy side materials company in the UK to join the prestigious UN Global Compact (UNGC), the world's largest corporate citizenship and sustainability initiative. As active UNGC participants, we contribute to its modern slavery working group, engaging with like-minded businesses and expert organisations to uphold ethical standards.

To give confidence to our customers, we have assessed human rights and environmental risks in every country from which we source stone, using sophisticated third-party analytical tools. Our ongoing efforts include a focus on understanding labour risks in factories and quarries at all levels of our supply chain. We have also used third parties to trace some products back to their raw material origins.

Marshalls align with the nine principles of the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) Base Code, including that employment is freely chosen, working conditions are safe and hygienic, and child labour is prohibited. We maintain strong relationships with our natural stone suppliers, emphasising our values throughout the procurement, onboarding, monitoring, and relationship management processes.

For more in-depth information, refer to our latest Modern Slavery statement.