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We work hard to ensure that our manufacturing processes are as sustainable as possible, and we’re always making improvements in this.
These logos demonstrate our product certifications, credentials and accreditations. Here's an explanation of what they mean.
This is the framework standard for the Responsible Sourcing of Construction Products.
This is the framework standard for Quality Management and allows us to improve our performance in this area.
This is the framework standard for Environmental Management and helps us to reduce our environmental impact.
This is the framework standard for Occupational Health & Safety and is designed to protect our people by preventing work-related injury and ill-health.
An internationally regarded standard that specifies the requirements for energy management. The standard helps us to improve our energy performance, efficiency, and consumption.
The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) promotes responsible management of the world's forests via timber certification.
Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) bring a level of consistency and standardisation to sustainability reporting and provide full details of a product's environmental impact.
Visit our EPD library