Date published 3 August 2016

The Concrete Pipeline Systems Association (CPSA) offers the choice of four CPD accredited presentations that have been approved by The Chartered Institute of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM) and are recognised as CIWEM Accredited Short Courses.

All the presentations can be offered as a free seminar at your local office or at a suitable location. CPD certificates are available to all attendees. The presentations are delivered by Stuart Crisp, the CPSA’s Business Development Director. To book a seminar, please contact CPSA on 0116 232 5170 or Stuart Crisp at

The CPD’s are on the following subjects:

Choosing the right pipeline system – now and for the future

Clients, originators and installers are faced with a number of material choices when deciding on the most appropriate drainage pipeline system to install. The process can be complex and is often influenced by the short and long term priorities acting on the supply chain, which may in themselves be antagonistic. This presentation covers all the major elements to help all stakeholders in the wastewater industry understand and optimise their decisions. The areas covered include:
• Installation (capital) and operating costs
• Structural and hydraulic design
• Installation
• Durability and lifetime operational performance
• Quality and Standards
• Innovation

Embodied Carbon Emissions in Concrete and Other Pipeline Materials

Everyone today is talking about sustainability. The UK’s pledge to reduce carbon emissions by 80% by 2050 will place immense pressure on industry to deliver. Carbon reduction and efficiency targets are appearing in all sectors. Although the science supporting our actions has been developing for a number of years, confusion is widespread and “carbon accounting” can still be considered in its infancy. A unified, credible, consistent and transparent methodology is essential if meaningful comparisons are to be made between alternative designs and materials. This CPD presentation includes:
• The fundamentals of carbon accounting and the data required to produce a carbon footprint.
• Identifies recognised information sources and indicates limitations to the reliability of some data.
• Includes a detailed analysis of pipelines and provides comparisons with alternative pipeline materials and installation methods.
• Provides an overview of other environmental impacts such as responsible sourcing, recycling and embodied energy.

Surface Water Management using proprietary precast concrete SuDS systems

This seminar provides an understanding of the legal framework driving changes in the design and construction of surface water management systems in the UK and the basic principles associated with sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) and their ownership, operation and maintenance. In this context, proprietary precast concrete SuDS components and systems will be identified and their specific uses examined.

Optimising Pipeline Bedding Design to Achieve Installed Cost & Carbon Efficiencies

This seminar demonstrates that substantial savings in pipeline installation costs and embodied carbon can be achieved through the effective use of structural design and the resulting selection of an appropriate pipeline embedment detail relevant to the pipe material and strength.
The seminar aims to provide the delegate with an awareness of the structural design fundamentals for buried pipelines and the main industry reference sources available. The presentation should lead to an appreciation of the importance of combining structural integrity with minimum installation costs and embodied carbon and how this can be achieved through an understanding and effective use of structural design.

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