Date published 18 May 2018

After an intensive 12 months which has seen the Digital team, comprising of Digital Marketing and Digital Development within IS, completely overhaul the Commercial website, we are pleased to announce that the new redesigned commercial website is now live.

Not just a website, this project has been built from the bottom up, creating a brand new infrastructure that incorporates completely new systems and technologies such as:
  • Product Information Management (PIM) – includes product related information
  • Digital Asset Management (DAM) - includes images, videos and case study documents
  • Digital Marketing Platform – this enables the business to update the content of the website without any need for developer involvement

Sion Harrison, Head of Digital Development, said: “These systems combine to create a digital framework that we will leverage to deliver world class customer experiences at much faster pace than previously. It’s a huge step forward for us, we needed to start again and move away from building systems based on legacy technology. This is just the start of our digital journey.”

The new framework delivers an experience that supports the commercial customer journey and allows them to effortlessly shortlist our products for specification.

The site is heavily image focussed with an emphasis on inspiration, every page has a contemporary new aesthetic that will enable current and future customers to more easily navigate their way around the site. They can access on any type of device, whether sat at their desk or on their mobile. More importantly, customers can access data sheets and product specific information at the click of a button. This includes downloading our range of BIM models.

To achieve this, over 300,000 data points are required over our commercial products, and more than 10,000 images have been tagged and transferred to a new digital asset management system to deliver new product pages with the information customers need.

Marco Maccio, Head of Digital Marketing, said: “This project has been a huge undertaking for all involved. The data side of the project is unprecedented at Marshalls with thousands of lines of data being checked by various people across departments. We won’t stop here; there are plans for even more functionality to be added on an on-going basis in the future.”

“The redesign will enable customers to find their way around the site much more easily, and with the focus on eye-catching imagery it will show our products in the best light possible – it reinforces our position as market leader.”

With the Commercial site now complete, the focus now moves over to Domestic where work will soon start on the redevelopment of that site.

You can view the new website on the same URL as before, which is:

Special thanks go to everyone involved in the project, from members of the digital team to representatives from internal teams such as technical, marketing and sales who have all helped with the enormous task of creating and checking the validity of data.
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