Date published 12 December 2012

The Bankside BikeShed, an award winning Bike Shelter designed by Studio Meda as part of a competition run by Better Bankside, has now achieved wider market success having being made commercially available by Marshalls Street Furniture.

In 2010, London based architects Studio Meda led by Martin Ebert, triumphed in the international competition run by The Architecture Foundation and Better Bankside, to design a secure shelter for 20-25 bicycles which should cost no more than £10,000 to construct and would fulfil the brief of a secure, undercover and portable space. In 2011, the winning design was then installed close to the Tate Modern on London’s South Bank.

Having worked with Studio Meda to manufacture the winning design, Marshalls Street Furniture saw the potential of the product and decided to add it to their range of bike shelters.

Studio Meda’s Martin Ebert said: “I am very excited that Marshalls has made this product available to the wider market. In fulfilling the competition brief, we created a shelter that is an attractive and architecturally-led product which is designed to have a minimal impact on the wider environment, but is also very affordable, providing a lower cost alternative to standard cycle shelter systems.

“The Bankside BikeShed is very adaptable; bolt-connections and small individual parts allow the structure to be easily assembled, disassembled, moved and rebuilt. By using an extremely simple construction method, any broken elements due to traffic accidents, vandalism or theft can be easily replaced at little expense.”

Marco Maccio from Marshalls Street Furniture said: “We were extremely impressed with the design of the Studio Meda Bankside Bike Shed and we’re excited to be able to offer this product as a part of our range. The design, flexibility and price will make this item an extremely attractive option for a wide range of our customers seeking urban realm bike shelter solutions.”

Giles Semper from Better Bankside said: “The Bankside Bikeshed is making a great contribution to our efforts to encourage cycling. With new developments coming on-stream all the time in Bankside, we needed a flexible cycle parking solution. We are proud to have pioneered the Bankside Bikeshed and are delighted that Marshalls are now able to market it across the UK.”

To find out more information, or to purchase the Bankside Bike Shed, please visit and follow the links to the Bike Shelter section, or call 0870 600 2425.
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