Date published 3 July 2014

Marshalls has pledged to help councils across Yorkshire to create safe cycle infrastructure and has today unveiled its cycle landscape products range and a dedicated garden at its headquarters in Elland to celebrate the Tour de France coming to Yorkshire.

The company has written to its local Calderdale councillors as part of its support for the ‘Space for Cycling’ campaign, led by the National Cycle Cycling charity (CTC) which aims to create safe, convenient and enjoyable cycle spaces for any local journey.

Marshalls believes cycling infrastructure should be designed for the needs of all users, prioritising cyclists and pedestrians whilst keeping motorcyclists and drivers in mind.

The company offers fully-integrated cycle solutions and works with designers, engineers, planners and local authorities to create better and safer cycle landscapes for our towns and cities.

Marshalls’ Group Director of Marketing and Sustainability, Chris Harrop, opened the garden along with colleagues from Landscape House.

Mr Harrop said: “As a company founded and based in Yorkshire, it was important for us to celebrate the Tour de France coming to our home county. The cycle garden marks this occasion whilst showcasing our expertise in cycle landscaping and our on-going commitment to creating better public spaces.

“I am delighted to have opened the garden which will create a cycle space for Marshalls’ employees to use and enjoy.”

Marshalls continues to work with local communities and communities overseas engaging in issues of social importance. At the entrance to the garden sits a Fairstone bicycle sculpture made from Marshalls’ ethically-sourced Indian sandstone. This sculpture is an example of Marshalls’ sustainable and ethical work and has been covered in yellow vinyl for the duration of Le Tour.
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