Date published 5 February 2016

As you are all most likely aware, the north of England was severely affected by the flooding over the Christmas period. Homes and businesses around the Calderdale area, where our Head Office is situated, were ruined - some beyond repair.

However, kind volunteers from across the region rallied together and set up the Calderdale Flood Relief Appeal, and worked tirelessly to help all those affected, by raising funds, collecting donations and offering their time and skills to help in any way they could.

Staff at Landscape House held a dress-down day to raise money for the cause, and Marshalls also kindly donated £5000, which Martyn Coffey, Marshalls’ CEO presented to Steve Duncan of the Calderdale Flood Relief Appeal.

Martyn Coffey, CEO said: “We are really pleased to make this donation to the Calderdale Flood appeal, as we were able to witness firsthand the devastating effect the floods had on the local area.

“The appeal, and all those involved in organising it, are doing great work to help everyone who has been affected, and we hope this can go some way to help those in need.”
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