Date published 9 March 2020

“We recognise the importance of partnerships and collaborative working now more than ever as we face into a fast changing and unusual situation. 

For everyone, ‘life as normal’ has come to a halt, and businesses are facing their toughest times in recent history. For Marshalls, the focus has been on striking the right balance of people, health, safety and business preservation. How businesses manage their employees during this situation is under scrutiny. We know that getting back to ‘normal’ is going to take the hard work of all of our people. Where others have taken drastic and lasting action, we have been careful to take what we believe is the correct of action for the business and for employees. 

A crucial part of taking carefully considered action is ensuring we work closely with our recognised Trade Unions. Unite and GMB represent a proportion of our workforce. We’ve worked with Unite and GMB to make very quick decisions on how we manage this difficult situation, and also on how we manage any other related decisions and changes that we may need to make in the short term. As a result of this collaborative approach, we’ve been able to reach a Joint Agreement very quickly. 

We appreciate the support and sensitivity of the Unite and GMB unions, and will continue working closely with them in the coming weeks in the hope that normality can resume in the very near future. This approach to the preservation of our business and workforce is key to helping us bounce-back when the time comes. 

Thank you to the Unite and GMB representatives, specifically Chris Haigh, Unite National Convenor, Tony Hulbert, Unite Regional Officer for Marshalls CPM and Les Dobbs, GMB Senior Organiser.”


Chris Haigh commented: ‘’In difficult times like these, the stress of the whole situation is greatly reduced by a company who are committed to doing the right thing.”
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