Date published 24 November 2009

Marshalls plc has been awarded the Carbon Trust Standard for its efforts to measure, manage and reduce its carbon footprint.

Set up by the Carbon Trust in 2008, the Carbon Trust Standard provides a benchmark and independent measure of best practice for those organisations making a real impact by reducing their carbon emissions.

Marshalls’ Carbon Trust Standard assessor said: “I have been impressed with the level of commitment to ensure that energy is well controlled at site level and by the wide use of Energy Champions.”

In order to gain the Standard, Marshalls was assessed by Carbon Trust assessors in specific areas covering governance, carbon management and accounting and including the following:
  • Policy
  • Responsibility
  • Reporting and communication
  • Accounting processes
  • Monitoring
  • Targets
  • Training

David Morrell, Marshalls’ Head of Sustainability, said: “Getting the Carbon Trust Standard is a great achievement for us. Marshalls’ carbon reduction programme is a key management focus. We’ve committed to reduce emission of greenhouse gases by 80% by 2050 in line with Government targets and we’re well on our way. Broadly speaking, our programme looks at our carbon management and how we can reduce emissions at each site.”

David continues: “We have energy plans for each site and now have energy champions who promote Marshalls’ carbon reduction policy throughout the organisation. We recently carbon labelled our commercial products and, added to our already labelled domestic products, this gives us a total of 2,068 footprints.”

Marshalls’ energy requirement is in excess of 6,000MWh and therefore it will be subject to the Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) introduced by The Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC).

Coming into force in April 2010, the CRC is a new carbon trading scheme run by the Government. Participating companies (those with an energy requirement in excess of 6,000MWh measured through half hourly electricity meters) will be required to measure and report their carbon footprint, then buy allowances to cover their emissions.

Marshalls has already begun preparing for the requirements of the scheme by understanding its current carbon exposure and putting in a strategy to measure and report back to the CRC. Part of the preparations is achieving the Carbon Trust Standard.

CRC performance results in a league table. Organisations with the Carbon Trust Standard will achieve a higher ranking in the league table in the first phase of the CRC. This has a direct financial correlation and will reduce the cost of participating for Marshalls in the first three years of the CRC.
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