Date published 24 April 2009

Landscaping company appeals to consumers to make their gardens a better place to grow their own produce.

Thousands of people will take on their first major gardening projects of the year during the May Day Bank Holiday. Marshalls is urging people to be savvier when it comes to outdoor spaces and identify areas that can be used to grow their own produce.

The appeal is part of Marshalls’ Campaign for Better Landscapes, which aims to encourage people to make purchasing decisions based on social, economic and environmental benefits.

Recent hard times and the desire for consumers to understand how and where their food is produced have sparked enthusiasm for growing your own. With the stagnation of the housing market, fewer people are moving house and are becoming much more aware of what their gardens can do for them.

Growing interest has already taken root with schemes such as the RHS’s ‘Grow Your Own’ and the BBC’s ‘Dig In’ embracing the home growing enterprise. Evidence has supported its rising popularity with more than 15.5 million people in Britain already estimated to grow some of their own food.

There is also a greater awareness of the environmental benefit of growing your own with 86% of the consumers surveyed by a major DIY retailer stating that their motivation was to ‘benefit the environment’ while 77% said it was to ‘save money’. There is a consensus that home produce offers far healthier food with much less impact on the environment.

Chris Harrop, Group Marketing Director, Marshalls Plc comments: “Not only does it provide a range of home-grown healthy produce, growing your own enables people to spend more time in the fresh air, soaking up the sun and generally boosting their immune system. In addition, gardening can be a great stress releaser.”

“There is no doubt that the UK’s landscape is changing in front of our eyes. People are looking at ways of living more sustainably and this is having a direct impact on our surroundings. Saving money may be the trigger for people to start preparing their garden areas for growing their own but there are a large number of benefits related to emotional and mental well-being that are becoming a lot more apparent.”

Marshalls provides innovative and sustainable products that help revitalise existing outdoor spaces, outfit better landscapes and connect the garden with the environment. For instance, Marshalls’ Woodstone posts and sleepers can build idyllic raised planters, and its Croft Stone walling range offers the keen gardener an easy to build, quick and flexible solution to construct a raised area that is well equipped for growing herbs, fruit and vegetables.

Harrop continues: “The appeal of Marshalls’ products goes beyond the environment. Landscaping is one of the most cost-effective tools for creating better landscapes, equipping outdoor areas for home grown produce and sustaining quality of life. A functional garden is a pleasing garden and making landscapes a better place to grow produce is a major contributor to sustainability.”
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