Date published 28 August 2019

She was recognised for her human rights strategy and private sector response to international modern slavery & human trafficking legislation. Elaine spends much of her time handsā€on, walking supply chains dealing directly with complexed issues such as child labour, prison labour, bonded and forced labour; speaking with business owners, managers, trade unions, workers, vulnerable communities, family, civil society, NGOs, IGOs, law enforcement and others to better understand the impact and root causes.

Elaine sits on the Advisory Committee for the United Nation’s Global Compact in the UK and works closely with other UN agencies, such as the International Labour Organisation and the International Organisation for Migration, to develop and deliver innovative and sustainable programmes and engage in dialogue aimed at system change. She regularly engages with governments and government agencies on these difficult and often sensitive issues putting her 25 plus years’ experience to good use.

Elaine commented, “I am particularly delighted to be in such good company in this global ranking; made all the sweeter by the fact that 8 out of the top 10 are women.  This business and human rights space is extremely complex, fraught with difficulties and relentless, and so this ranking marks a good point at which to stop and take stock just for a moment and recognise, even though more still is required, that incremental progress is being made.  I am thankful on a daily business that I work for an organisation which is wholly committed to supporting and promoting human rights and to creating better futures for everyone throughout the value chain; I can’t begin to tell you the difference that this makes as I go about my job.  I know that for this reason I’m often the envy of my peers.”

Chris Harrop, Director for Marketing and Sustainability at Marshalls plc, added, “This is a fantastic accolade and well deserved too. Elaine’s ambition and determination helps take Marshalls way beyond the average in terms of Corporate Social Responsibility in our industry. It’s an honour to be considered a global leader, and I look forward to further developing Marshalls work in this area under Elaine’s guidance in order that we maintain world class status in this sphere.”

Nominees include a wide range of global influencers, such as figures from the corporate sector, government bodies, non-governmental organizations, consultancy firms, media groups and service providers. Many factors are included in the scoring criteria. Using the developed scoring algorithm, participants are added to the list and adjusted based on individual research by LDT Consulting. This list is revised annually to reflect the evolving regulatory landscape and recognise individual efforts to contribute to improvements throughout global supply chains.

The full list of Influence Leaders is now available on the Assent website.

View more detail on Marshalls Human Rights work on our website and also in our newly published End Modern Slavery Report 2019
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