Date published 25 January 2011

Business in the Community (BITC) has recently announced the appointment of Graham Holden, Chief Executive of Marshalls plc, as its new Regional Advisory Board Chairman for Yorkshire and Humber.

Graham Holden has taken an active role on the Regional Advisory Board since its inception in October 2008. He was announced as the 2010 Prince’s Ambassador in Yorkshire and Humber for his leadership and commitment to responsible business in the region.

Within Marshalls, Graham has instilled a culture of employee volunteering and the company is now a major driver of Calderdale Cares. He has also been the driving force behind an award-winning carbon management programme. To date, Marshalls has carbon footprinted over 2000 of its domestic hard landscaping products, thereby empowering customers and enabling targeted reductions of emissions of energy-intensive products. They were announced as the Example of Excellence for Sustainable Marketing and Innovation at BITC’s Awards for Excellence 2010.

Graham Holden said: “Our approach to sustainability and corporate responsibility has been at the forefront of our industry, and we take our responsibility to our customers and communities seriously. I’m delighted to work closely with the BITC team in Yorkshire and Humber to drive forward the responsible business agenda in the region.”

Liz Needleman, Regional Director, BITC said: “We are delighted to welcome Graham as our new regional Chairman. Under his leadership, Marshalls has been exemplars in many areas of responsible business, and Graham’s enthusiasm and commitment have led to real impact on the ground. I look forward to working with him in his capacity as chair of our Advisory Board.”
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