Date published 4 July 2016

Daryl Allinson from Frome, Somerset is 13 years old and lives with his Mum, Dad, two sisters and brother and desperately needs help.

On the 6th April 2015, Daryl was diagnosed with Leukaemia – Atypical CML Monomonasomie 7 and GATA 2. Daryl is believed to be the only child in the UK to have this very rare condition.

On the 3rd July 2015 Daryl received a Bone Marrow Transplant from his older brother, Brad.  However, on the 15th April 2016 Daryl was told he had relapsed and would need further treatment.  As this would be Daryl’s second round of treatment, his family had to apply for NHS funding which has taken along time and have now been told he is no longer eligible for NHS funding.

The family are now trying to raise money for the treatment for Daryl themselves and have been told that treatment costs are between £80 – £100K.  With more than £60,000 already raised, doctors have said they can start the treatment, although the family still needs to raise the rest of the money.

Daryl’s aunt, Stephanie Townend, said a consultant at Bristol Children’s Hospital felt her nephew needed to start treatment soon or it would be too late “The consultant saw we had raised all this money in such a short space of time – I started the Just Giving page 15 days ago and we now have more than £60,000 – and so he said we could start the treatment,” she said.  “He knows we are determined to raise the money quickly and I can’t believe we’ve managed to raise the amount we have in such a short space of time, if we had only raised around £20,000 up until this point it would probably be a different story in terms of our being allowed to go ahead with the treatment.”

“Daryl is going to start his chemotherapy on Sunday, this will be two weeks of intensive chemo. Daryl knows the truth and he knows he needs this treatment as quickly as possible. I try to understand how he truly feels but it’s difficult as he comes across so upbeat.  We don’t want any special treatment from the hospital, we just want the treatment he would have got if the NHS had permitted the funding in the first place.”

Marshalls Civils and Drainage has donated £5,000 and wish Daryl and his family the best.  If you would like to donate please visit or

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