Date published 2 July 2009

Leading hard landscaping company Marshalls plc has been recognised for its outstanding commitment to environmental performance and sustainability by winning a Major Commendation from this year’s Business Commitment to the Environment (BCE) Environmental Leadership Awards.

Held at the Lincoln Centre in London, the awards celebrated the achievements of companies that have built in a sustainable approach to their business by achieving commercial success and working to minimize environmental impact.

Chris Harrop is Group Marketing Director and leads on sustainability at Marshalls. He said: “Every year, the BCE Environmental Leadership Awards showcase the very best in reducing business impact on the environment. Marshalls has placed sustainability at the heart of its activities and we’re extremely proud to have received a Major Commendation from BCE in recognition for our environmental commitment. This means a great deal to us.”

In order to get through to the finals of the BCE Awards, Marshalls was taken through a rigorous judging process which involved two site visits. Praising this year’s winners, BCE President Sir Anthony Cleaver commented: “Never in BCE’s 35-year history has UK business faced greater economic challenges. This year’s BCE Award winners must surely be congratulated. They should be very proud of their outstanding achievements and held up as shining examples of how improved environmental performance can deliver significant business benefits.”

Last year, Marshalls completed the carbon footprinting of products in its domestic range and worked with the Carbon Trust to officially label a total of 503 products - the highest number of carbon labelled products in the world by one company. By committing to a sustainable approach throughout the business, Marshalls is demonstrating that environmental management can be achieved and is vital to business success and consumer awareness.

Marshalls adds this year’s BCE Environmental Leadership Major Commendation to recent accolades including a Business in the Community Awards Big Tick for its approach to carbon reduction and the Achievement in Sustainability award at the PLC Awards.
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