Date published 19 November 2018

The Annual UK Top 100 corporate Modern Slavery Influencers’ index is developed and delivered by BRE and Sustain worldwide. The index shows recognition to individuals across all business sectors who raise awareness through social media, work and in their public life to help end modern slavery and labour exploitation. 

With Sustainability being one of our main company values at Marshalls we are extremely pleased that Chris has been recognised for his achievements with being #31 ranked in the index and 3rd solely in the private sector. 

Why Marshalls are helping to tackle modern slavery?

Marshalls is committed to conducting business with honesty and integrity; in treating all people with dignity and respect and in complying with applicable laws, regulations and treaties. Marshalls is also committed to protecting and promoting human rights globally. Marshalls does not tolerate child labour, forced labour, including prison labour, or any use of force or other forms of coercion, fraud, deception, abuse of power or other means to achieve control over another person for the purpose of exploitation.

In short Marshalls are committed to building stronger and fair business strategies which will help us in our mission of creating “better futures” for everyone.
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