Date published 12 March 2018

Today Marshalls plc is pleased to announce it has been awarded Business Superbrand status for 2018 for the ninth consecutive year. 

Tracking and celebrating the UK’s leading business-to-business brands since 2001, the Business Superbrands are identified by surveying 2,500 business professionals from across the UK and a voluntary Business Superbrands Council, comprised of leading business-to-business marketing experts. 

The process, managed by The Centre for Brand Analysis (TCBA) in partnership with Research Now SSI, saw just over 1,500 brands from across 62 categories judged against the three core factors inherent in a Superbrand: quality, reliability and distinction. 

Stephen Cheliotis, CEO of The Centre for Brand Analysis (TCBA) and Chairman of Superbrands comments: “In a year where Brexit has dominated British press and there is a sense of foreboding threatening to take over, we’re thrilled to be able to celebrate some of the UK’s strongest brands.

"Competition in the B2B space has become fiercer than ever before, so gaining or retaining Superbrand status is a notable achievement. Each and every Superbrand should be proud of the efforts they have put in over the past 12 months that have led to this accolade.” 

Chris Harrop, Marshalls Group Marketing Director, said: “Marshalls’ brand is one of our biggest assets, and everyone within the business works exceptionally hard to ensure that it remains synonymous with quality, innovation and trust.

“To be named as a Business Superbrand is a huge honour, and it is testament to the hard work and commitment from our 2,500 strong workforce.

“We are thrilled to have been awarded this accolade for the ninth consecutive year, and would like to thank all those who voted.”

The overall top 20 Business Superbrands for 2018 are: 

1. Apple 
2. BP 
3. Microsoft 
4. British Airways 
5. Emirates 
6. Google 
7. PayPal 
8. Shell 
9. Visa 
10. Mastercard 
11. American Express 
12. London Stock Exchange Group 
13. Virgin Atlantic 
14. IBM 
15. JCB 
16. Samsung 
17. GlaxoSmithKline 
18. Bosch 
19. Barclaycard 
20. Intel 

The Consumer Superbrands are also being revealed today and can be found on the Superbrands UK website:
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