Date published 14 July 2016

Marshalls plc is pleased to report that it has retained its long-standing position as a constituent of the FTSE4Good Index following the June 2016 review. The FTSE4Good Index measures the performance of companies demonstrating strong environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices.

CEO, Martyn Coffey, said: “I’m delighted that Marshalls continue to be recognised by FTSE4Good for our forging work driven by our sustainability model, and our approach to human rights, labour, environmental and anti-corruption.

“Empowered by our brand values of leadership, excellence, trust and sustainability, our team works passionately and diligently to uphold our public commitments. By doing so, and doing the right thing, together we are leveraging sustainability to drive competitive advantage for our business.”

Chris Harrop, Marshalls’ Group Marketing Director, responsible for sustainability, added: “Maintaining our position in the FTSE4Good is excellent news and sits well alongside the Fair Tax Mark which recognised the transparency that we display in our tax affairs, and that we are proud to state that we are good tax payers.”

FTSE4Good’s transparent management and clearly-defined environmental, social and governance criteria means that its indices is widely consulted by those creating or assessing responsible investment products, as well as a framework for corporate engagement and stewardship.

Marshalls’ action regarding sustainability - including ESG - can be found within its most recent United Nation’s Global Compact Communication on Progress Report which can be found online here:
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