Date published 11 April 2016

Marshalls has today published its seventh annual Communications on Progress’ (COP) Report in-line with its commitments as a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). The report covers the organisations’ progress regarding the four pillars of the UNGC of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.

Marshalls CEO, Martyn Coffey, said: “Empowered by our brand values of leadership, excellence, trust and sustainability, I can say with confidence that Marshalls’ team works passionately and diligently to uphold the UNGC pillars of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. By doing so, and doing the right thing, we are leveraging sustainability to drive competitive advantage for our business.”

The report also highlights key areas of focus for 2016 which include; an internal modern slavery campaign; wider stakeholder engagement regarding modern slavery and human rights & business; finalising of the audit against the Women’s Empowerment Principles; the implementation of its top priorities regarding Children’s Rights and Business Principles; and engagement with IPEC’s Child Labour Platform.

Marshalls’ Group Marketing Director, responsible for sustainability, Chris Harrop commented on the human rights pillar: “Foresight and good planning have ensured that we began our human rights impact assessment programme well in advance of the legal requirements now laid down in UK company law. In 2010, we began our global Human Right’s Impact Assessment programme which has, over the past five years, now become a much larger and expansive human right programme of activity. This will stand us in good stead as we move forward into an era shaped by the Sustainable Development Goals and also as we make our first Modern Slavery (Transparency in the Supply Chain) Disclosure Statement as we are required to do now on an annual basis.”

Elaine Mitchel-Hill, Marshalls' Business & Human Rights Specialist, added: "The UNGC platform and framework is fundamental to Marshalls’ sustainability model and approach. This allows us to ensure that we are contributing to the delivery of the Sustainable Development Goals through our everyday activity. So, for example, we are focusing upon embedding our newly developed ‘Marshalls Protocol Regarding the Elimination of Child Labour’ which is effectively a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the organisation. This sets out yet further measures to help ensure a child labour free supply chain, and also importantly details what should be done in the best interests of a child if an instance of child labour is identified. This child & family focused approach allows us to support children’s rights and also to contribute to the SDG’s regarding ‘no poverty’, ‘zero hunger’, ‘and decent work and economic growth’.”

Marshalls 2015 UNGC Communications on Progress can be viewed here and sits alongside its Annual Report as the main vehicle for sharing its sustainability progress.
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