Date published 18 February 2016

In the first initiative of its kind for the Travis Perkins Group, the Travis Perkins Innovation Awards, sponsored by Marshalls, will be open for entries in March 2016. Entries will be open to a wide range of sectors for the submission of projects and ideas in a competition to find groundbreaking product innovation and problem solutions for the UK construction industry.

There will be two entry categories - Problem Solving and Product Innovation. Entrants in the Problem Solving category will be asked to come up with a workable solution to a specific problem in the construction industry, within competition criteria. New construction products are the focus of the Product Innovation category with entrants invited to submit their ideas and specifications.

The Travis Perkins Innovation Awards will have its official launch at EcoBuild in early March, where Marshalls also have a stand, and all the details of the Awards will be available on a dedicated website ( which will be open for entries from 1 March, with a closing date of 30 June.

John Carter, Chief Executive of Travis Perkins plc, sees the Awards as an important expression of the group’s commitment to innovation and new ideas. He said: “Getting new ideas and products to market and finding the right channels for support can be very hard.

“This competition provides an opportunity for all the people out there who have been harbouring a great new idea for the construction industry to bring it to the attention of market experts and get the support they need for development and marketing.”

Organised by the Innovate team at Travis Perkins plc, Marshalls is the Awards’ main sponsor. Peter Hallitt, Managing Director of Group Trading at Marshalls, said: “We are delighted to be supporting this new initiative from Travis Perkins plc which provides a great opportunity to bring forward and support new product designs and fresh thinking in the construction industry where innovation is so important.”

Marshalls has long fostered a culture of innovation within its business, and is proud to lead the landscaping industry in product development. It is its focus on innovation in all areas of the business over an extended period has been a key element of its success.
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