Date published 25 February 2020

In the very early 1900s a Yorkshire man named Solomon Marshall established a family business quarrying natural stone. Some 900 miles south, architect Antoni Gaudi was in the midst of designing the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. The two men may never have met but the legacy of what they both achieved is now inter-linked, with the news that one of Europe’s most impressive landmarks has chosen our stone for one of the final phases of its development. 

The first stone was laid at Sa Grada Familia in 1882; the last is expected to be laid in 2026, and in recent years the quest for new stone sources has intensified. Representatives from Sa Grada Familia first visited Marshalls Stanton Moor quarry in 2018 and since then have bought over 1000 tonnes of stone from the company. 

The bulk of the Marshalls stone will be used on the external Glory Façades, the largest of three monumental façades and the final one to be built. Whilst limestones and granites have been sourced from all over the world, our stone is currently one of only three British stones to be selected for the historical building. 

Martyn Coffey, Chief Executive of Marshalls plc, said; “We’re so proud to be working with the team at Sa Grada Familia to supply stone for this beautiful building. We already have a reputation for having paved every location on the London Monopoly board so it’s fantastic to add such an iconic European landmark to the list. The team at Sa Grada Familia are likely to start cutting the stone at the end of 2021, so it is a while until we will see it in situ, but it will be a very proud moment when we do.”
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