Date published 8 July 2019

Fair Tax Week is a UK-wide celebration of the companies and organisations that are proud to pay their fair share of corporation tax, and an exploration of the positive contribution this makes to society.

It is estimated that £400bn of global corporate profits are shifted annually to tax havens, with corporate tax revenue losses in the UK of approximately £7bn per annum.

Matryn Coffey, Chief Executive of Marshalls Group, said: “I’m proud that Marshalls has been awarded the Fair Tax Mark for the 5th consecutive, a mark that celebrates businesses that pay the right amount of corporation tax at the right time and in the right place, and who overtly shun the artificial use of tax havens and contrived tax avoidance practices.

“Fair Tax Week is an opportunity for us and other businesses to demonstrate a responsible approach to tax planning and celebrate the enormous contribution corporation tax makes to society and the huge array of vital public services it helps to fund.”

New polling conducted by ICM has shown record levels of concern among the public about the use of tax avoidance practices by business in the UK. The survey, commissioned by the Fair Tax Mark, showed that:
  • Over three-quarters of the public would rather shop with or work for a business that can prove it is paying its fair share of tax.
  • Almost two thirds (63%) of people believe that the Government and local councils should consider a company’s ethics and how they pay their tax as well as value for money when making purchasing decisions.
  • HMRC and the Fair Tax Mark heavily favoured as trusted verifiers of good tax conduct, with ‘company auditors’ trusted by small minority of the public.
Visit the Fair Tax website for more information about the accreditation and to see a list of other businesses who have it.
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