Date published 7 July 2010

Out of hundreds of entries, Marshalls has been honoured in the UK’s leading awards for responsible business practice by being named National Example of Excellence for Sustainable Marketing and Innovation.

After receiving a Big Tick from Business in the Community’s Awards for Excellence, Marshalls went on to win the National Example of Excellence at an event in London this week attended by HRH The Prince of Wales.

Chair of the judges and former CEO of Cadbury, Todd Stitzer, said: “Marshalls is a true example of a company which has innovated to ensure sustainability runs through its whole business, providing products that really address the sustainability needs of its customers.”

The Example of Excellence is a very significant achievement and given to the entry which the judges deemed to be worthy of the title in each category. The characteristics of these companies include being able to demonstrate: significant impact, innovation, commitment over a sustained period of time, a radical approach to embedding sustainability into their business model, overcoming significant challenges to embed responsibility into the business.

Chris Harrop is Group Marketing Director at Marshalls and he led the team to the awards success. He said: “This award reflects on the hard work that everyone at Marshalls has done to embed Sustainability into our business. By using our expertise in the whole marketing mix we’ve moved from a corporate triple bottom line of Economic, Environmental and Social Responsibility to ensure that our products also provide economic, environmental and social benefits to our customers. It’s been really important to us to avoid greenwash and have independent proof for what we say. I really am very proud to lead such a high performing team.”

Marshalls’ Chief Executive Graham Holden newly been announced by BITC as the Prince’s Ambassador for Yorkshire and Humber commented: “We are delighted to receive this award. This recognition is a real testament to the hard work and dedication of the team at Marshalls. For years, our approach to sustainability and corporate responsibility has been at the forefront of our industry and we take our responsibility to our customers and communities seriously.”

The Awards for Excellence reward businesses who demonstrate the positive impact they have had on society, and also the business benefits created by ensuring that being responsible is integral to their business model. Marshalls was recognised for its marketing approach, sustainability and commitment to bringing products to consumers that have a positive impact on the environment and society.
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