Date published 28 June 2017

Over the course of the day, participants completed a swim, cycle ride or walk in the local area which in total covered a combined distance over 2698km.

The Triathlon is one of a number of events and initiatives which are taking place throughout the year to raise funds for the charity, as well as working to break the stigma surrounding mental health in the workplace.

Jack Clarke, Marshalls Group Finance Director, said: “Mental health is an issue which touches everyone and affects most families, and Mind is a fantastic organisation which offers invaluable support for those who need a helping hand."

“My family and I suffered the loss of our son Daniel after a long term mental health issue, and received much support and help along the way, but we also learnt that there is a good deal more that needs to be done."

“The most important thing is to raise awareness, and make people feel comfortable and at ease talking to friends, family and colleagues about mental health as it is not something to be ashamed about."

“I’m incredibly proud of the Triathlon Team for completing such a huge challenge and raising a fantastic amount of money for such a worthwhile cause. Speaking out about mental health is a vital step in helping to break the stigma surrounding mental ill-health, and I am proud that Marshalls and all our staff are making steps to help this.”

The Triathlon so far has raised in excess of £6500, which is generously being matched by Marshalls.

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