Date published 25 February 2014

Following an independently co-ordinated process managed by The Centre for Brand Analysis (TCBA), Marshalls has officially been awarded Business Superbrand status for 2014. The affirmation of Superbrand status follows the latest assessment of the annual survey, which has been identifying the UK’s strongest business-to-business brands since 2001.

The yearly process, managed by TCBA, surveys an expert Council and over 2,000 individual business professionals from across the UK. Both audiences rate over 1,200 brands, which they assess on the three key criteria of quality, reliability and distinction.

Marshalls is the UK’s market-leading supplier of hard landscaping products to both the domestic and commercial markets. Following international expansion Marshalls now has a presence in Northern Europe, Asia and North America. Marshalls recently announced a three year partnership with Unicef UK which aims to eradicate child labour from the quarrying sector in India.

Stephen Cheliotis, Chairman of the Business Superbrands Council said: “For Marshalls to achieve Business Superbrand status is really positive, especially considering over one thousand brands were evaluated in the process. Business Superbrand status is affirmation of the goodwill and positive reputation Marshalls enjoys within the UK among both marketing experts and business professionals alike. Achieving Business Superbrand status places the brand among an elite of companies, whose brand equity is helping to drive their business forward”.

Chris Harrop, Marshalls Group Marketing Director, said: “Marshalls is extremely proud to be awarded Superbrand status for our fifth year in a row. At Marshalls we work hard to maintain the strength of our brand by placing a constant focus on the quality of our products, services and the needs of our customers and we continue to lead the market through innovation and excellence.”

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