Date published 18 June 2009

Leading hard landscaping business Marshalls plc has been recognised for its approach to sustainability by this year’s prestigious Business in the Community (BITC) Awards for Excellence, in the Climate Change, Eco Efficiency and Supply Chain categories.

Marshalls gained a Big Tick in the Bank of America Climate Change Award for its work on carbon labelling and for the company’s approach to minimising carbon impact. Earlier this year, Marshalls completed the carbon footprinting of products in its domestic range and worked with the Carbon Trust’s Carbon Labelling Company to officially label a total of 503 products - the highest number of carbon labelled products in the world.

As well as being recognised for its carbon impact approach, Marshalls was also re-accredited in the Supply Chain category for its work on ethical supply chain management in India, and in the Eco-Efficiency category for biodiversity and environmental management.

“Getting a Big Tick from Business in the Community is a proud achievement for Marshalls, particularly because this Big Tick recognises our efforts in cutting our carbon emissions and taking big steps towards a low carbon approach to our business,” says Chris Harrop, Marshalls’ Group Marketing Director.

“Through a range of different approaches, Marshalls has taken positive action to reduce our carbon impact. Whether it’s developing innovative low carbon products or labelling our entire range of domestic paving, we are demonstrating that businesses really can tackle climate change.”

The awards were established by BITC to recognise and celebrate those companies who have shown innovation, creativity and a sustained commitment to corporate responsibility.

Stephen Howard, Chief Executive, Business in the Community said: “I congratulate all the winners of a Big Tick this year. In the current economic climate, it is fantastic to see so many strong examples of businesses that recognise the benefits, both social, environmental and to their bottom line, of being a responsible business. Those who achieve the Big Tick are leading companies, ones that run their businesses aware that they depend above all on the talent, innovation and loyalty of their people. They know that they cannot build a successful sustainable business without constantly showing their commitment to being a better business.”

Marshalls adds this year’s Big Tick to recent award wins at the PLC Awards and the Sustain Awards for its approach to sustainability, ethics and responsible business.
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