Looking for consumer products? Gardens and Driveways
Better workplace, better world, better product
We all need places that make us feel happier, safer and more sociable. We believe it's our responsibility to help shape these places, giving people the freedom to work, play, create and grow in positive environments. Our role in this is varied, from the work we're doing to minimise the environmental impact of our operations, to the products and advice we offer to customers to support more sustainable construction.
We manufacture our products using responsibly sourced raw materials and 74% of the electricity we consume as a group comes from renewable sources. We do this without compromising the quality we're known for – we continue to design, manufacture and test to market-leading standards whilst consciously choosing to do the right things, for the right reasons, in the right way. We call this The Marshalls Way.
In staying true to our beliefs, we set ourselves high standards to operate and strive to meet the highest expectations of our customers, our industry, our business peers and society as a whole. Empowered by our brand values, we work passionately and diligently to uphold the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) pillars of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.
Operating ethically and sustainably is a commitment we make to our customers, partners, stakeholders and the communities where we do business. We recognise that we can create better places by putting people, communities and the environment first.