Having manufactured retaining walls in the UK since 2009, we have successfully delivered modular walling blocks to many sectors of the construction industry, including coastal, highways, public realm, housing, rail and water projects. Which is why we are in the perfect position to know the positive benefits they offer to planners, buyers, installers and home owners.


“There are various types of retaining walls, with the popular ones being gabion baskets, concrete bricks, criblock walling and of course, Redi-Rock™ modular walling but what is the best solution for your development?”

“However, if you are after a retaining wall that gives stakeholders a choice of block face, needs less land-take, resulting in more land-take for developers, as well as being quick and easy to install and is delivered to site, ready to build, then look no further than the Marshalls retaining wall system, as we can offer gravity, earth reinforced and cantilever walls.”

“Our Redi-Rock gravity walls can be built up to 6m in height, just using our standard blocks, so no extras are required, including backfill. With a three-person gang plus a crane achieving a build of between 40 – 50 M2 per day.”

“When you need a retaining wall over 6 metres high, then we can offer a reinforced earth wall, which has been proven to reach wall heights of up to 17 metres.”

“The positive connection walling is achieved by using a geogrid to reinforce the layers of soil. Installing the PC system makes use of 100% of the tensile strength of the geogrid and does take longer to install but gives you the peace of mind and security of a long-term retaining wall. However, most housing developments don’t need this.”

“What they do need is to look good, which is why we have three block faces available, cobblestone that gives developers a chiselled cobblestone texture that has the appearance of six small blocks, for a more natural uniformed look.”

“Ledgestone that offers you a deep, random textured wall, with more of a random, natural stone look and limestone, which has a quarried face that looks great on larger scale developments. The modular blocks can be coloured at our two production units on on-site to match different local environments.”

“We acknowledge that we all need to do our bit for sustainability which is why we manufacture the 120-year design life, Redi-Rock™ blocks at two UK manufacturing units, one in the North and one in the South for shorter supply routes, reducing vehicle movements and carbon. They are manufactured using over 25% of PFA materials and can be dismantled and relocated if your project needs change, meaning you can simply disassemble and relocate – The ultimate sustainable solution”