Date published 19 March 2020

I wanted to personally reassure you that we are doing all we can to support our colleagues and our customers while this level of uncertainty exists.

The current coronavirus (COVID-19) situation is a global concern that we’re all navigating together. As the complexity of the situation changes day-by-day, so does the approach that is being taken by world experts, governments, healthcare services, businesses, and by individuals and their families. 

I wanted to personally reassure you that we are doing all we can to support our colleagues and our customers while this level of uncertainty exists. We’re staying close to the official advice in the countries where we operate so that we know that we are doing our best to reduce the impact. 

Health and Safety, and ensuring every one of our colleagues goes home safely every day, has always been at the core of how we do business – we call this doing business The Marshalls Way. We recognise the importance of this now more than ever.

To support our customers, we’ve made some changes to how we will operate over the coming weeks while coronavirus (COVID-19) remains a threat. Please note, this also applies to any customers of Edenhall, Marshalls CPM and Stonemarket. 

We have contacted all our suppliers who may be affected by the outbreak to identify any potential areas we need to address. Where needed, we have developed a plan to cover demand for both short term and medium term situations. At the moment we are not seeing in disruptions to orders but we will contact customers affected if this changes. 

How we make deliveries
Until further notice our delivery drivers will confirm deliveries on their handheld ePOD devices by signing the ‘touch screen’ on your behalf with you present. Where we have paper delivery notes, our drivers will wear gloves to handle the documents. 

Advice for Marshalls Register Members
We understand that, as small businesses, our installers rely heavily on staying healthy. As installers are working outside of customers’ homes, the risk is low, but we have contacted all Register Members with advice on small changes they can make to stay well and reassure customers. 

Meetings with Marshalls people
We keep our people updated on the latest advice around coronavirus and have asked that they all follow the guidance on handwashing and self-isolation if necessary. Please do the same if you are meeting with people from Marshalls, and avoid entering one of our sites if you are feeling unwell. We have stopped all overseas and unnecessary business travel for now. 

We also understand that you will want to rearrange any meetings with us, or move them to video and telephone conferencing. 

Design Spaces
Our Design Spaces in London and Birmingham currently remain open, we would ask that anyone visiting follows the advice shared above. 

We’ll continue to do what we can by monitoring the situation and reacting to any official advice. For now, I’d like to thank the Marshalls team for their hard work during what is a difficult and uncertain time.
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